MobiLand for Publishers
The best yield for your
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Accessible to all publishers - big & small
Publishers from any genre - gaming, crypto, esports, ecomm, D2C and any other, are welcome. Whether you have 100 users or 100k users, MobiLand’s dcentralised ad-tech platform never discriminates and is open for all.
Minimal cost
Minimal intermediary costs
Ad calls don’t need to travel through multiple layers or platforms as our network nodes do everything end to end. This significantly minimises fee/charges/revenue sharing that needs to be borne given the absence of multiple intermediaries to compensate.
No arbitrary censorship
No arbitrary censorship
What stays & what doesn’t is decided by the community & DAO. Rules and policies governing MobiLand’s platform are determined via consensus keeping the interests of every stakeholder in mind. They are transparent & easy to understand. Changes can be easily proposed & implemented via the consensus mechanism.
real time reporting
Real time reporting
Check how all of your ad slots are perfomring in real time. Identify potential improvements to match top performing inventory. Improve overall profitability by tracking revenues in real time and adapting strategy as and when required.
instant reconcilation
Instant reconcilation & payment
Encash payments for delivered impressions at any given point of time. Reconciliation & confirmation of ad-delivery is done instanteneously & the chain is updated with the latest state to facilitate quick payments.
Anyone & Everyone can earn!
Independent developers
Independent developers
Niche website owners
Niche website owners
App studios
App studios
Large media houses
Large media houses

Our Publishers

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